
Private Pay. BCBS.

Weekly Therapy.


Individual Session, 53 minutes


Couples Session, 53 minutes



1- Day Couples Intensive


2-Day Couples Intensive

The cost of an intensive covers an initial assessment, scoring and review of assessment materials, individual sessions with both partners, and a 1-day or 2-day period of dedicated attention from a trained professional entirely focused on you and your relationship.

I’m not able to bill insurance for this particular service. However, you can negotiate reimbursement with your insurance provider. All prices listed above are private pay only.

Pricing and Insurance FAQs

  • Yes we do! We are currently credentialed with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska.

    If you don’t have either of these insurances, you still have options! I can provide you with a superbill to submit to your insurance for potential reimbursement (see more below).

    You can also choose to do private pay, for which there are multiple benefits. For example:

    • Your therapist isn’t required to provide a mental health diagnosis in order to bill your insurance that goes on your mental health profile.

    • The frequency and number of sessions won’t be dictated by an insurance company.

    • You can receive counseling for issues that aren’t “billable” to insurance companies, like relationship concerns or more personal issues.

  • Step 1. Determine your out-of-network coverage.

    Take a look at your insurance card. If your card states PPO or POS, call the number on the back. If you see several numbers to call and one of them says “BH”, that stands for “Behavioral Health” so we’d recommend starting with that phone number. Be ready to read out some of the numbers on the front of the card. If your card says HMO, you likely do not have out-of-network benefits.

    Ask the following questions:

    • “Do I have out-of-network coverage for behavioral health?” This question will tell you whether or not out-of-network therapy is covered by your insurance plan.

    • “What deductible do I need to meet before you will start reimbursing?” This will tell you how much you need to pay out of pocket before they will start paying you back for some of the session cost. Deductibles vary. It is helpful to know your deductible because they will start paying you back once you reach that mark.

    • "What percent do you cover?” It could be more or less, but the answer is often 50-80% of what they call “allowable” reimbursement. Every insurance company has this secret number of what they will cover.

    Step 2. Download Reimbursify.

    Download the Reimbursify app here.

    The Reimbursify app helps to make things as easy as possible for you (they do charge $2.99 a claim), but you can always contact your insurance company to learn their unique process to submit an out-of-network claim.

    Step 3. Ask your therapist for a “superbill.”

    You will then receive a document called a “superbill” every month. This is a special kind of invoice that lists specific information on the type of service you received, by which clinician, and with what diagnosis. You can’t be covered by insurance without a diagnosis that they are willing to cover for. Your therapist can talk to you privately about what diagnosis would fit your experience. Your therapist will need to know you are wanting a superbill so they can make sure the copies you get have all the correct info it needs on it.

    Step 4. Upload your superbill to Reimbursify.

    Reimbursify will make everything easy for you. Once you upload a superbill for the first time (it takes about 2-5 minutes), you’re set.

    After submitting for the first time, you can just click “clone” or duplicate and it’ll cut your submission time down to about 30 seconds.

    Step 5. Get reimbursed.

    Once you hit your deductible, your insurance company will start mailing reimbursement checks to your mailing address.

  • What is a superbill?

    A superbill is a document that provides information regarding therapeutic services rendered that you may choose to submit to your insurance company to be reimbursed for services. Each insurance company has different policies and procedures on what they cover and reimburse for. If Mallin Counseling is out of network for you, we are not responsible for submitting to your insurance,

    If you choose to submit to insurance, your therapist will send you a superbill via email from Simple Practice.

    What are the risks/benefits?

    • If you choose to submit to insurance:

      • A major mental health diagnosis will be required by insurance and will be added to your medical health record.

      • The insurance company has access to your records and the right to audit your files.

      • The insurance company may choose to recall the money they reimbursed if they find reason.

    • Choosing private pay means that you have complete privacy to your records and your treatment will not require a major mental health diagnosis.

    What do I need to do?

    1. Contact your insurance company and ask about what is covered/reimbursed for out-of-network mental health care providers.

    2. Ask about what information is needed to submit for reimbursement (usually the document required is only a superbill).

  • Private pay means the client is responsible for paying for all service fees.

    The service is not run through insurance.

  • Don't let the private pay rate discourage you from contacting us! You still have options and we firmly believe that everyone should have access to good mental health services.

    First, we offer a sliding scale fee based on income to certain percentage of our clients. Inquire about that with your therapist!

    If that doesn’t meet your needs, we are able to refer folks to quality therapists who may be able to accommodate your financial situation.

Let’s find a way to reconnect.